Rosy Strategies

Power Niche Marketing: Every Client And Every Customer Is Different


Sor­ry, but there’s no sin­gle mag­ic mar­ket­ing bul­let that will work for all clients all the time.

One les­son that seems obvi­ous but real­ly is not at all is that every client is very dif­fer­ent in its desires for legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion. There is there­fore sim­ply not a one-size-fits-all solu­tion to mar­ket­ing. Mar­ket­ing is a won­der­ful area to work in for that rea­son: you can craft and cre­ate all sorts of ideas and see what works. And always remem­ber that no mat­ter how much you think and pre­pare, you are not play­ing with wid­gets; you are deal­ing with human beings. You have to be open-mind­ed and flex­i­ble, or you will end up fail­ing too much.

If you are like most peo­ple – includ­ing me – you prob­a­bly hope to find that some­thing – that spe­cial thing – that you could do that would work like a mag­ic mar­ket­ing bul­let. It would be a con­sis­tent solu­tion in your mar­ket­ing pitch that you could use all the time that would result in a pile of clients pour­ing in the door.

But – alas – that is just not how it works.

Law, espe­cial­ly, is a “per­son­al” ser­vice busi­ness. There is, there­fore, a “per­son” that is being ser­viced by your legal work. And because of that, each client and each cus­tomer is dif­fer­ent and wants dif­fer­ent things from you.

Let me try out an exam­ple. Let’s pre­tend you are seek­ing to bring in a client for real estate trans­ac­tion­al work. You launch into your pitch and maybe say you are a real­ly great nego­tia­tor and you can achieve great results at the bar­gain­ing table. After your elo­quent and con­vinc­ing pitch, how­ev­er, you learn that this client real­ly likes to do the nego­ti­a­tion him­self, and just wants lawyers to just doc­u­ment the results of his nego­ti­a­tions. Oops!

Or maybe you tell the client at the pitch that you are super care­ful on doc­u­men­ta­tion and noth­ing ever gets missed. But then the client men­tions that he just can’t stand “over­ly detail-ori­ent­ed lawyers.” They dri­ve him crazy. He doesn’t believe in the doc­u­ments any­way, and he just likes to get deals done. Oops, again….

You get my point. Clients want dif­fer­ent things from their lawyers. Admit­ted­ly, an effec­tive mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy log­i­cal­ly has a “default style” if you real­ly have no idea what the client wants. I urge that your mar­ket­ing style should be very flex­i­ble, how­ev­er, so you can tai­lor the ser­vice you deliv­er to be the kind of ser­vice that the client seeks.

Notably, what I am say­ing here in this arti­cle does not nec­es­sar­i­ly apply to things like data ana­lyt­ics and mar­ket­ing cam­paigns that lit­er­al­ly go out to hun­dreds of thou­sands, or even mil­lions, of cus­tomers. I rec­og­nize that some­times these con­cepts can be huge­ly suc­cess­ful, but that is not with­in the scope of my expertise.

To con­clude, there is not going to be a sin­gle mag­ic mar­ket­ing bul­let that will work for all clients all the time. Accord­ing­ly, I urge you to become a stu­dent of mar­ket­ing in order to be successful.



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