Rosy Strategies

Instagram May Let Users Post Hour-Long Videos

Instagram videos Rosy strategies

Insta­gram is report­ed­ly prepar­ing to launch a fea­ture that will allow users to pub­lish long-form video con­tent.
Excep­tion­al­ly long, in fact, com­pared to the one-minute long videos that Insta­gram cur­rent­ly allows.
The Wall Street Jour­nal reports that Insta­gram may soon allow videos of up to one hour in length. How­ev­er, plans are still up in the air at this point.

The Face­book Inc.-owned pho­to and video shar­ing app is prepar­ing to launch a new fea­ture that will include long-form video, accord­ing to peo­ple famil­iar with the mat­ter. The fea­ture, which could allow videos of up to an hour in length, will focus on ver­ti­cal video, or video that is taller than it is wide, one of the peo­ple said. Until now, Insta­gram hasn’t allowed users to post any videos longer than one minute.
The peo­ple said the plans are ten­ta­tive and sub­ject to change.
In recent weeks, Insta­gram has had con­ver­sa­tions with con­tent cre­ators and pub­lish­ers about pro­duc­ing long-form video for the plat­form, a per­son famil­iar with the mat­ter said. The fea­ture, if it launch­es, will do so with­in the Insta­gram app, anoth­er per­son said.“

The idea of long-form video con­tent on Insta­gram isn’t as far-fetched of an idea as it may ini­tial­ly sound.
Live videos in Insta­gram sto­ries can cur­rent­ly last up to one-hour in length, and are then avail­able to view for up to 24-hours.
It’s pos­si­ble that Insta­gram has gleaned enough data from its live videos which sug­gest users are inter­est­ed in watch­ing longer con­tent on the platform.
This would fur­ther sep­a­rate Insta­gram from com­peti­tors like Snapchat, which still focus­es on short-form ephemer­al content.


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