Rosy Strategies

Pinterest says it has 250 million active monthly users

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The social media plat­form touts more than 175 bil­lion pins, up 75 per­cent over last year.

Pin­ter­est has reached a new mile­stone, now report­ing more than 250 mil­lion month­ly active users.

If Pin­ter­est were a coun­try, we’d be the fifth largest in the world!” Jon Kaplan, the company’s head of glob­al sales, wrote in the announcement.

More than half of Pin­ter­est users are locat­ed out­side of the Unit­ed States, with 80 per­cent of new sign-ups also com­ing from out­side of the coun­try. The com­pa­ny also said it now has 175 bil­lion pins, up 75 per­cent over last year.

Pin­ter­est, which has remained rel­a­tive­ly tight-lipped with adver­tis­ing and user num­bers, said it had 150 mil­lion users almost two years ago. In April, it report­ed 1.5 mil­lion busi­ness­es were on the plat­form and that it had expe­ri­enced a 50 per­cent year-over-year increase in small-to-mid­size busi­ness advertisers.

The company’s grow­ing month­ly user base will like­ly help with its efforts to attract more brands, and Pin­ter­est has been rolling out a num­ber of new perks for adver­tis­ers and busi­ness­es on the plat­form. Last month it released wide-for­mat Pro­mot­ed videos to all adver­tis­ers, and in April it launched enhanced busi­ness pro­file pages.

Pin­ter­est has also reor­ga­nized its con­sumer prod­uct and ad teams after its head of prod­ucts left the com­pa­ny ear­li­er this year. Today, Pinterest’s con­sumer prod­uct and ad prod­uct divi­sions are com­bined into a sin­gle group led by Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Prod­uct Lawrence Rip­sh­er. These changes came two months after the com­pa­ny appoint­ed Fran­cois Brougher as its first-ever chief oper­at­ing officer.

As far as social apps go, Pin­ter­est still lags its major com­peti­tors when it comes to user num­bers. Face­book sees 1.4 bil­lion dai­ly active users (1.2 bil­lion of which are out­side the U.S.), and Insta­gram hit 1 bil­lion month­ly active users in June. Twit­ter may be the clos­est to Pin­ter­est in MAUs, report­ing 335 mil­lion month­ly active users in July.

Snapchat did not release glob­al month­ly active user num­bers dur­ing its last earn­ings report, but it did say it has 100 mil­lion month­ly active users in the U.S. and Cana­da alone. That would put it ahead of Pinterest’s month­ly active users based on user trends from oth­er social net­works where the major­i­ty of MAUs are out­side of the U.S.


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