Rosy Strategies

New Strategy for Video Content 2019: Top 10 SEO Tips

New Strategy for Video Content 2019 Top 10 SEO Tips

No doubt, videos play an impor­tant role in con­tent and dig­i­tal marketing.

In fact, many busi­ness­es often use video mar­ket­ing as a strat­e­gy, to stay ahead of the game, as it great­ly affects the search engine opti­miza­tion (SEO) rank­ing of a website.

Video mar­ket­ing has been ben­e­fi­cial to many com­pa­nies and busi­ness­es. Accord­ing to a Forbes arti­cle, com­pa­nies who opti­mize videos on their web­site enjoy 41 per­cent more Web traf­fic from organ­ic search­es. More­over, video is seen to take over 80 per­cent of the Internet’s traf­fic this 2019.

In 2018, there were over 5 bil­lion videos shared on YouTube, alone, while Face­book gen­er­at­ed 8 bil­lion video views dai­ly. This shows that video mar­ket­ing is a pow­er­ful con­tent medi­um for businesses.

How can you opti­mize your videos to give your busi­ness a com­pet­i­tive edge?

For one, the videos should be able to improve your website’s SEO by improv­ing your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) rank and should be inter­est­ing enough to keep your site vis­i­tors and view­ers hooked on what you want to showcase.

In cre­at­ing videos, they need to be SEO-opti­mized, too. Here are a few tips and tricks to guide you in cre­at­ing rel­e­vant and SEO opti­mized videos for your mar­ket­ing strategy.

Understand what your target market wants

The first rule of con­tent mar­ket­ing is to know what’s going on in your tar­get market’s mind–or, in this case, their YouTube his­to­ry. Put your­self in your audience’s shoes: What kind of videos will I watch for this kind of prod­uct or ser­vice? Will I watch this until the end? Ample research is necessary.

Keyword research is necessary

Since this is SEO, key­word research is nec­es­sary even in videos. So before writ­ing that script, research on words that will direct your audi­ence to your videos. Check the key­words by head­ing to YouTube’s search bar to know the com­mon words used when searching.

Key­words can help you fig­ure out the top­ics peo­ple are com­mon­ly inter­est­ed in, which can help you nar­row down the video top­ics you plan to cover.

Know what type of videos to create

There are many types of video mar­ket­ing con­tent you can play with. Cre­ate videos that are engag­ing and infor­ma­tive for your audi­ence. These will help you remain rel­e­vant in the online space.

Accord­ing to Entre­pre­neur, there are a few trendy videos that busi­ness­es can look at for 2019 for their video mar­ket­ing strategy:

Accord­ing to Beth Forester of Ani­mo­to, here are some videos you can cre­ate for your website:

Choose a strong video title

Going back to the key­words you’ve researched, make sure that your titles con­tain your tar­get key­word. Your title should also be strong enough to make your audi­ence click on and watch the video. Don’t go over­board, though, by mak­ing it look like a clickbait.

Name your video files correctly

Appar­ent­ly, the file name on your com­put­er will affect the SEO opti­miza­tion of your video. So, like the title of your video on YouTube, name these files cor­rect­ly with your tar­get key­words, to help the sys­tem under­stand what the video is all about.

Eye-catching thumbnails

Next to the video title, the thumb­nail is what peo­ple usu­al­ly look at before click­ing on a video. Your thumb­nail should be in high-res­o­lu­tion and must be able to visu­al­ly com­mu­ni­cate what your video is about.

Do not neglect descriptions and tags

The descrip­tion and tags also help your video stand out from the mil­lions online. Both your descrip­tion and tags should con­tain your tar­get key­words and should be com­pelling to your audi­ence to make your video mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy work better.

Embed your videos in a blog post

If your video is relat­ed to a blog post, embed your video there. This makes your web­site and post more appeal­ing and engag­ing. Accord­ing to Unbounce, videos on a land­ing page can increase con­ver­sion rates by 80 percent.

Videos must be optimized for speed

One fac­tor that great­ly affects the SEO of the web­site is its load­ing speed. When upload­ing your videos on the web­site, make sure that it is com­pressed; so it loads faster while main­tain­ing its quality.

You can also embed the YouTube file of your video so your web­site domain itself will not have to host the video.

Keep track of your audience’s video behavior

Sta­tis­tics in video mar­ket­ing are very impor­tant. These help you under­stand your audi­ence bet­ter and improve your strat­e­gy in the long run. In ana­lyz­ing video sta­tis­tics, you’ll be able to see how far into the video your audi­ence watch­es, the types of videos they are more inter­est­ed in, and more.

As long as you have the right strat­e­gy and cor­rect­ly opti­mize the SEO of your videos, your web­site will be on top of the SERP. Remem­ber to main­tain the qual­i­ty and con­sis­ten­cy of your con­tent for bet­ter results.

SOURCE: Pro­mo­tion World

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