Rosy Strategies

10 Free Marketing Tools Every Entrepreneur Can Use

Businessman working with laptop

Reach your audience effectively without compromising quality.

If you’re an entre­pre­neur just get­ting start­ed, you know the mean­ing of a bud­get. You also prob­a­bly know that in order to get your busi­ness idea off the ground, you have to reach your cho­sen audi­ence at the right time. To help you do this cheap­ly, with­out com­pro­mis­ing the qual­i­ty of your mar­ket­ing efforts, I’ve put togeth­er a list of the top 10 free mar­ket­ing tools every entre­pre­neur should know.

1. Chat­type­o­ple
Chat­bots have made their mark in the mar­ket­ing world this year. Despite many still believ­ing that the chat­bot is just a cus­tomer care tool, oth­ers are see­ing it as a must-have in their mar­ket­ing strate­gies. Chat­bot tech­nol­o­gy has improved sig­nif­i­cant­ly in the past decade, allow­ing mar­keters to cre­ate bots with­out any cod­ing knowl­edge. Chat­type­o­ple is the per­fect tool for those want­i­ng to quick­ly cre­ate a Mes­sen­ger chat­bot. The plat­form allows entre­pre­neurs to cre­ate a bot that not only works seam­less­ly with Face­book, but also push­es pro­mo­tions to cus­tomers on demand. With chat­bots, you will be able to:

Use Face­book Mes­sen­ger and com­ments to push cus­tomers through your sales funnel

Take orders direct­ly from Facebook
Gath­er data about your cus­tomers to keep them up-to-date with rel­e­vant products

2. MailChimp
Email mar­ket­ing is an impor­tant aspect of any busi­ness’s mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. With an email mar­ket­ing tool such as MailChimp, you will be able to move your audi­ence through your sales fun­nel more effec­tive­ly with a high­er lev­el of con­trol. MailChimp will allow you to:

Build on your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy by con­nect­ing your email cam­paigns direct­ly to your website
Use your pur­chase data to send more per­son­al­ized emails to fur­ther grow your business
Inte­grate with Face­book to find new sub­scribers and recon­nect with cur­rent ones
Cre­ate a lev­el of automation
Gath­er feed­back from MailChimp reports

3. Pro­moRe­pub­lic
Pro­moRe­pub­lic is a free-to-try social media con­tent builder and post­ing tool. It pro­vides users with more than 100,000 ideas, tem­plates and visu­als for stun­ning Face­book, Insta­gram, Twit­ter and LinkedIn posts. All the social media tem­plates are made by a team of pro­fes­sion­al design­ers and copy­writ­ers. Users can eas­i­ly cus­tomize tem­plates with a built-in graph­ics edi­tor. With Pro­moRe­pub­lic you get:

Library with 100,000 post tem­plates and visuals
Cal­en­dar of post ideas for every day with hol­i­days, days from his­to­ry, trend­ing top­ics and events
Drag-and-drop graph­ics edi­tor to cus­tomize stun­ning tem­plates and cre­ate posts from scratch
Auto-post­ing and sched­ul­ing to Face­book, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, LinkedIn

4. Hot­jar
Hot­jar is a pow­er­ful tool that will help you ana­lyze your web­site’s per­for­mance. It tells you every­thing you need to know about how vis­i­tors are spend­ing their time on your web­site. The tool oper­ates pri­mar­i­ly through heat maps that give you insights on the clicks that occur on each page and the parts of a page that are most pop­u­lar. Some of Hot­jar’s fea­tures include:

The record­ing of cur­sor move­ments and place­ments on var­i­ous pages
A con­ver­sion fun­nel that tells you where most vis­i­tors left your website
A feed­back col­lec­tion sur­vey tool

5. Buffer
Social media remains one of the most impor­tant and pow­er­ful parts of any mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. That said, social media man­age­ment is a full-time job in itself, and if you are start­ing your own busi­ness, you will most like­ly not have time to spend your entire week on Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, Pin­ter­est, and every oth­er plat­form now avail­able. Buffer, a social media man­age­ment tool, will help you save time by allow­ing you to sched­ule posts on each plat­form in advance. The tool auto­mat­i­cal­ly pub­lish­es your con­tent accord­ing to your cho­sen sched­ule, and from there, you can ana­lyze its per­for­mance from one page.

6. Can­va
You could be send­ing out killer con­tent, but if it does­n’t look the part, you may find it dif­fi­cult to grab your audi­ence’s atten­tion. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, hir­ing a graph­ic design­er for all your design work can be expen­sive, but with a tool like Can­va, you can save mon­ey and time. From illus­tra­tions, ban­ners and info­graph­ics, Can­va can help you design vir­tu­al­ly any­thing and with ease. With Can­va, you’ll have access to:

A library of fonts
A vari­ety of illus­tra­tions, images, and templates
A drag and drop sys­tem that makes using the tool quick and easy

7. Yoast
Yoast is all about pro­vid­ing you with the tools to ful­ly opti­mize every aspect of your web­site. Yoast basi­cal­ly tells you every­thing you need to know about organ­ic mar­ket­ing through one Word­Press plu­g­in. Yoast will:

Give your page an SEO ranking
Help you write meta descriptions
Use a traf­fic light sys­tem to tell you what you are miss­ing and what you are doing well
Give you a read­abil­i­ty score to help your improve your SEO ranking

8. Hel­lo Bar
Hel­lo Bar is a sim­ple tool that will help you con­vert vis­i­tors into cus­tomers by eas­i­ly cre­at­ing ban­ners that high­light your most impor­tant con­tent, prod­ucts, ser­vices and mes­sages to your clients. All you have to do is log in and select a goal. You can choose to:

Pro­mote a spe­cif­ic offer or sale
Encour­age web­site vis­i­tors to call your company
Grow your mail­ing list
Expand your social media connections
Cre­ate a cus­tomized goal specif­i­cal­ly for your business

9. SumoMe
The SumoMe suite is all about gen­er­at­ing a larg­er audi­ence for your busi­ness. With this pro­gram, you can:

Get more cus­tomers on your mail­ing list
Cre­ate more effec­tive share buttons
Track your traf­fic through heat maps
You’ll also have access to sim­pli­fied image-shar­ing tools and the plat­for­m’s Wel­come Mat, which is a tool that will help you cre­ate full-screen calls-to-action with clean imagery.

10. Majes­tic
Majes­tic is the largest com­mer­cial­ly avail­able back­link index with the most in-depth back­link data in the world. Despite hav­ing back­links as its main focus, Majes­tic also offers:

Met­rics includ­ing the num­ber and qual­i­ty of backlinks
Numer­ous back­link and domain com­par­i­son tools
A search engine with rank­ing factors
Mul­ti­ple back­link­ing and link-build­ing options

And final­ly…
This com­pre­hen­sive range of tools is being used by indus­try experts across the world. By imple­ment­ing the above into your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, you will be able to auto­mate your mar­ket­ing efforts and reach your audi­ence effec­tive­ly with­out com­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty, giv­ing you the chance to focus on the oper­a­tional aspects of your new busi­ness venture.


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