Rosy Strategies

How to Start a Law Firm Blog

How to Start a Law Firm Blog

Being a lawyer is not as glam­orous and dra­mat­ic as it is por­trayed on tele­vi­sion and film. As cool as it is to imag­ine a few good men in a court­room yelling, “You can’t han­dle the truth,” it just doesn’t quite work that way. 

How­ev­er, mem­bers of the pub­lic and your future poten­tial clients are not aware of this. Your exper­tise is a valu­able mys­tery to those who are seek­ing your ser­vices and most often begins with a search on the inter­net. This is a great rea­son for you to share your exper­tise by start­ing a legal blog that address­es spe­cif­ic top­ics and legal issues. 

If you’ve been in the busi­ness for years or are just start­ing out, we can help you fig­ure out how to start a great blog that will encour­age your clients to refer you, over and over again. Addi­tion­al­ly, we can help your blog be found on the internet.

Start­ing a blog for lawyers is sim­i­lar to most oth­er pro­fes­sions — with one excep­tion. By show­cas­ing your par­tic­u­lar spe­cial­ty, you’ll be able to tar­get the clien­tele look­ing for your par­tic­u­lar skill set and knowl­edge. A legal niche blog is a ben­e­fi­cial step towards brand­ing you as a thought leader on a spe­cif­ic area of law.

Starting a legal blog

Estab­lish­ing a niche blog top­ic that reflects your legal niche but still appeals to a wider audi­ence is a great way to keep poten­tial clients engaged and show­case your knowledge. 

Remem­ber, posi­tion­ing your­self as unique amongst the vast pool of lawyers is your main goal in estab­lish­ing your legal blog. Your ser­vices are in demand, and your blog is the bridge con­nect­ing you to your tar­get market. 

Devel­op­ing con­tent is impor­tant, but it must be high qual­i­ty. You spend most of your day writ­ing and look­ing through doc­u­ments, so you under­stand this bet­ter than any­one. Same is true for a legal blog. 

First, you must estab­lish if you are writ­ing for lawyers or poten­tial clients. Once you’ve iden­ti­fied your read­er, you can begin to devel­op appro­pri­ate con­tent that will keep them com­ing back.

Fresh and reg­u­lar con­tent will draw your read­ers in and keep them engaged. Let’s face it, post­ing every day is unre­al­is­tic for a busy lawyer like your­self. How­ev­er, post­ing a few times a week is enough to main­tain your read­ers’ atten­tion and keep them com­ing back for more. 

Out­side of blog­ging about your exper­tise, try incor­po­rat­ing cur­rent events into your con­tent. This will demon­strate that you keep your fin­ger on the pulse of what is hap­pen­ing in the world and will help expand your reach. 

By post­ing com­ments or dis­cus­sions with your read­ers, you build rela­tion­ships by con­vert­ing pas­sive read­ers into active par­tic­i­pants with your con­tent. Adding a ques­tion and answer sec­tion allows your audi­ence to get imme­di­ate feed­back from you direct­ly, lead­ing to future clientele. 

Includ­ing an “About Me” sec­tion gives your audi­ence a glimpse of who you are and what are your qual­i­fi­ca­tions. In this sec­tion, you want to high­light your back­ground, skills, and pro­vide links to any pub­li­ca­tions and case out­comes. Lever­ag­ing your expe­ri­ence and case results increas­es credibility. 

This goes with­out say­ing. The last thing you need as a lawyer is an accu­sa­tion of pro­vid­ing mis­lead­ing legal guid­ance on your website. 

The Amer­i­can Bar Asso­ci­a­tion pro­vides infor­ma­tion on rules of pro­fes­sion­al con­duct for lawyers as part of Ethics Opin­ion 10 — 457. Eth­i­cal oblig­a­tions are addressed in con­sid­er­ing con­tent for web­site and fea­tures. This will pro­vide a blue­print as to what to con­sid­er when devel­op­ing your blog content.

We’ve pro­vid­ed a quick snap­shot of how to start your legal blog, but we know you may still have ques­tions. As dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing experts, this is what we do. If you’d like to leave this to the experts, we’ll be more than hap­py to get you start­ed in the right direc­tion. Our col­lab­o­ra­tive, strate­gic, and focused approach will help you get back to what you do best. Reach out to Rosy Strate­gies on Face­book, Twit­ter, or our web­site.

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