Rosy Strategies

How to Make a Brand Name to Remember?

Hello My Brand Is

When you start your com­pa­ny, one of the most impor­tant aspects is your brand name. A brand name is the key­words (or words) that con­sumer hold onto, remem­ber to type into Google and con­tin­ue to speak aloud to build buzz around your business. 

Let’s look at how to create a brand name that people remember and trust:

Think about your identity first

Before brain­storm­ing a list of poten­tial brand names, get a clear idea of what you want to con­vey to con­sumers about your com­pa­ny iden­ti­ty. Make writ­ten notes about the kind of per­son your brand would be con­sid­ered to be, which type of friends it would appeal to, whether it is seri­ous or comical. 

Easy to pronounce

When a brand name can­not be spo­ken, it isn’t. Peo­ple don’t want to sound wrong or dumb or feel con­fused, so they’ll avoid pro­nounc­ing your name at all. When this hap­pens, you miss out on count­less instances of brand recog­ni­tion and awareness. 

Keep it simple

Do not make such an artis­tic fuss around your brand name that con­sumers have to won­der whether it is con­sid­ered a logo or a name. Choose a brand clos­er to A than Z. Avoid hyphens and homonyms (words that sound like oth­er words).

Avoid acronyms

Acronyms are most­ly mean­ing­less and might be ask­ing too much of con­sumers in requir­ing them to remem­ber not only your name, but for what each let­ter of the name stands.

Make it easy to spell

Do not con­vey your clev­er­ness with strange spellings. Make your name easy to type into a search bar once con­sumers get home.

Check availability

Before falling in love with a brand name, make sure it is avail­able for a busi­ness name and in a URL address. 

Stay trend-forward

Remem­ber that trends fade, so if you’re opt­ing for the trendy route, con­duct thor­ough research to under­stand con­sumer mar­ket inter­est and pick a name that is ahead of its time. 

The shorter the better

Two syl­la­bles are enough in a brand name; any­thing longer begins to clut­ter con­sumers mem­o­ry and imagination. 

Consider versatility

Most like­ly, you have a goal to grow as a busi­ness, so choose a name that allows for diver­si­fi­ca­tion of prod­ucts and services.

Brainstorm thoroughly

Before set­tling on a name, brain­storm! The best ideas come from pow­er­ful ses­sions of bring­ing minds togeth­er to imag­ine and collaborate.

Connect with your audience

What are the types of names your audi­ence is drawn to, used to or open to? Nar­row in on con­sumer inter­ests so you can meet them halfway. 

Be mindful of international implications

Always dou­ble check the mean­ing of your brand name in oth­er lan­guages, espe­cial­ly if you have plans to evolve inter­na­tion­al­ly and globally. 

Sample your name

Test your name out with a sam­ple mar­ket, and see how they respond. You might think the name you’ve designed is inge­nious, but it must res­onate with your tar­get audi­ence. Test­ing before going to mar­ket with a name is a crit­i­cal step.

Outlive your personal name

Choose a name beyond your per­son­al name, one that can stand the test of time and be passed on for gen­er­a­tions to come.

Remem­ber, a brand name sticks with peo­ple for a long time, if not for­ev­er. Con­sumers remem­ber when brands fly and when they fail based on two things: prod­uct and name. To learn more about how to make a brand name that suits your com­pa­ny and ensure the high­est poten­tial for busi­ness suc­cess, reach out to our incred­i­ble team at Rosy Strate­gies.

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