Rosy Strategies

How To Choose The Best Social Media for Your Business

Social Media Social Networking Technology Innovation Concept

Busi­ness own­ers are over­ly busy ensur­ing every­thing around their busi­ness runs smooth­ly. This can lead to entre­pre­neurs lack­ing the time to take care of and nur­ture their online, more pre­cise­ly, social pres­ence. And often, they make dras­tic changes to find the time for prop­er com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment on these social platforms.

Back in the day, busi­ness­es want­ed to cov­er every ground and be vis­i­ble on every social media out­let. This is still a great strat­e­gy today, how­ev­er, in some cas­es, a busi­ness might ben­e­fit more from using only a few chan­nels and cre­at­ing ded­i­cat­ed con­tent for those plat­forms to max­i­mize its expo­sure and brand­ing potential. 

Still, the ques­tion begs to be answered: which is the best social media for busi­ness? Our team of experts at Rosy Strate­gies will give you all the answers you need below.

The Case for Narrowing Down The Number of Social Media Platforms for Businesses

It might seem coun­ter­in­tu­itive, but focus­ing your com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment efforts only on a few ded­i­cat­ed social chan­nels can be a mas­sive advan­tage if you plan every­thing out prop­er­ly. Con­cen­trat­ing on only a few social media plat­forms (or even just one) can help you save a con­sid­er­able amount of time for starters. And that’s not all. Using the right social media plat­form for your busi­ness can help you find the right tar­get audi­ence, the cor­rect type of social con­tent that engages them, and the adver­tis­ing strate­gies that will yield the best results and do your brand justice. 

Still, you should­n’t for­get that the best social media plat­form for one busi­ness might not work for the oth­er. To make the right choice, you need to sit down, do your research, and answer the fol­low­ing ques­tions using the data you’ve gathered. 

Who Is Your Target Audience? 

This is prob­a­bly one of the most cru­cial steps that you’ll make. The fact of the mat­ter is that not all users are tech-savvy to the extent that they are present on all plat­forms. Oth­ers sim­ply pre­fer one out­let over anoth­er. You need to be spe­cif­ic about whose atten­tion you want to grab and what social chan­nel they are using.

As such, your job is to assess the fol­low­ing precisely: 

You might only get data-backed answers for some of these ques­tions, but try giv­ing as spe­cif­ic answers as pos­si­ble. If noth­ing else, you can always revert to your buy­er per­sona and go from there. 

What Are Your Goals? 

Find­ing the best social media for your busi­ness also entails defin­ing your goals for your pre­vi­ous­ly deter­mined tar­get audi­ence. Nat­u­ral­ly, your pri­ma­ry goal will most like­ly be dri­ving more sales through social adver­tis­ing. Still, in real­i­ty, there are sev­er­al oth­er cre­ative goals that you can pur­sue on social media plat­forms. These web­sites are great tools for increas­ing brand aware­ness, recog­ni­tion, and equal­i­ty; they can be excel­lent incu­ba­tors to nur­ture and help your com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment efforts. Social plat­forms may also be used as engage­ment end­points and cus­tomer sup­port channels. 

Using these alter­na­tives can help you free up your phone lines and give your cus­tomers a more con­ve­nient envi­ron­ment to solve cus­tomer ser­vice issues. At the same time, this allows entre­pre­neurs to pro­mote their brands on select­ed social channels. 

To find the best social media out­let for your busi­ness, make a list of the most promi­nent and less obvi­ous goals to see how social media can help you achieve them. This will auto­mat­i­cal­ly nar­row down your choic­es of avail­able plat­forms and make the deci­sion easier. 

Find Your Audience

The best social media plat­form for your busi­ness is where your pro­filed audi­ence is, sim­ple as that. Still, to find this group of peo­ple, you will need to research user demo­graph­ics on each of these web applications. 

Sec­ond, you will also need to con­sid­er how active your audi­ence is on each plat­form. It’s a known fact that young users have Face­book pro­files, but they are most­ly inac­tive on the plat­form, pre­fer­ring Tik­Tok or Insta­gram instead.

Also, you will want to know how these peo­ple use these chan­nels, which can fur­ther help you assess which one you should use as well.

To help you out, here are the largest social plat­forms, along with some vital info about them: 


With a user base of over 2.7 bil­lion peo­ple, Face­book is the largest social media plat­form in exis­tence. Still, when con­sid­er­ing which social media plat­form is the best for your busi­ness, you should know that users main­ly vis­it Face­book to keep in con­tact with their friends and poten­tial­ly build new rela­tion­ships. This might not make Face­book the best option for dri­ving more busi­ness and poten­tial sales, but it can help you build brand loy­al­ty among your exist­ing cus­tomers. Also, because of the mas­sive user base, ads and posts might have lim­it­ed reach.

As such, it’s one of the best social media plat­forms if you seek to stay in touch with your cus­tomers and a great way to encour­age your brand ambas­sadors to keep pro­mot­ing your services/products.


Insta­gram is still one of the fastest-grow­ing social apps on the mar­ket, being espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar among younger audi­ences. This visu­al- and video-heavy plat­form uses imagery as the pri­ma­ry means of con­ver­sa­tion, mak­ing it an excel­lent choice for those busi­ness­es that are also visu­al-based. Food, beau­ty, retail, and art com­pa­nies can express their cre­ative indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and cre­ate a mas­sive social pres­ence with a broad­er reach that’s bet­ter for lead generation.


Twit­ter can be the best social media for your busi­ness if you want to increase brand aware­ness. Like Insta­gram, it hous­es hash­tags that help orga­nize posts, organ­i­cal­ly help­ing you gain more poten­tial fol­low­ers and cus­tomers search­ing the top­ics you tweet about. 

On the oth­er hand, Twit­ter is all about news and trends, and it’s often used to give users real-time updates about events and oth­er trend­ing things; it can be an excel­lent plat­form for those brands who seek to boost offline engagement.


With a reg­is­tered user base of over 2 bil­lion, this social media plat­form is also a sig­nif­i­cant play­er in the social game. Con­sid­er that you don’t even have to cre­ate an account to view videos on the web app, and you have a social giant that’s also a mas­sive search engine plat­form. As such, it’s the go-to plat­form for ser­vice com­pa­nies or those who sell lifestyle prod­ucts and make edu­ca­tion­al videos.


Pri­mar­i­ly used for pro­fes­sion­al net­work­ing and find­ing jobs, LinkedIn might be the pre­ferred social media plat­form for doing busi­ness if you want to improve B2B lead gen­er­a­tion, recruit employ­ees, or improve your net­work­ing efforts in your pro­fes­sion­al community.


The go-to plat­form for short-form video con­tent, Tik­Tok is also a visu­al-heavy plat­form that can ensure visu­al-based busi­ness­es an excel­lent cra­dle to build brand aware­ness, espe­cial­ly among younger audi­ences, par­tic­u­lar­ly the 18–24 age group. 

Get the Most Out of Social Media

Lim­it­ing your busi­ness to one or two social chan­nels can be a great way to focus more on spe­cif­ic aspects of mar­ket­ing and brand devel­op­ment. Still, it’s under­stand­able if you want to use every social chan­nel and cre­ate plat­form-spe­cif­ic strate­gies for each, max­i­miz­ing your social presence. 

If that’s on your mind, feel free to con­tact us to help you with the task. As a lead­ing social media agency in Mia­mi and Fort Laud­erdale, FL, we know what it takes to max­i­mize a brand’s poten­tial on each platform. 

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