Rosy Strategies

History of Digital Marketing

Businessmen using mobile payments online shopping and icon customer network connection on virtual screen

How Digital Marketing has evolved over years:

Dis­play ban­ners for Sear’s prod­ucts start­ed appear­ing on the bot­tom of the screen for cus­tomers of an online ser­vice provider, Prodi­gy. At that time they were much like mag­a­zine ads, visu­al but not inter­ac­tive. In 1993 the first click­able ad was cre­at­ed by a law firm in Sil­i­con Val­ley and from there, things took off. In 1994, web ban­ner adver­tis­ing was main­streamed and stayed so until 1998 when the first search adver­tis­ing key­words became avail­able through a com­pa­ny that was even­tu­al­ly acquired by Yahoo.

Google fol­lowed suit by launch­ing AdWords in 2000 and the rest of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing fell into place. From 2000 until now we’ve watched the land­scape shift to include social medi­al, video adver­tise­ments, inter­sti­tial adver­tis­ing and an entire­ly new mar­ket­ing method­ol­o­gy sur­round­ing the idea of pro­mot­ing con­tent not just ads. We’ve also seen entire­ly new plat­forms catered to improv­ing ads, track­ing ads and serv­ing ads, pop­up and gain mas­sive mar­ket share. In 2010, Mobile found­ed stride and Mobile adver­tis­ing spend has been increas­ing 90 per­cent each year.


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