Rosy Strategies

Facebook wants you to share your to-do, bucket lists with a colorful status

Facebook lists Rosy Strategies

Got a to-do list, or maybe a buck­et list? Face­book has a spot to share that. On Tues­day, Feb­ru­ary 13, Face­book began rolling out the option to add a list-style sta­tus update, com­plete with col­ored back­grounds. The update comes as Face­book is also look­ing to expand the Watch tab with a sec­tion ded­i­cat­ed to news and stretch­es vir­tu­al real­i­ty Spaces to now include Groups.

The new list option allows users to share any type of list con­tent by orga­niz­ing with a head­er and sep­a­rate list items, which in longer lists, col­lapse under a “see more” option. Like plain text options, the fea­ture comes with an assort­ment of back­grounds for mak­ing that to-do list a bit less bor­ing. An emo­ji can also be added to the list header.

Friends can inter­act with the usu­al slew of reac­tions, or start their own list. The change comes as Face­book is work­ing to fill the news feed with more friends and not so much of the viral videos, links, and memes. While see­ing a friend’s to-do or gro­cery list prob­a­bly falls under the same cat­e­go­ry as those what-I-had-for-lunch posts, oth­er options like buck­et lists, trav­el lists or humor­ous lists could lead to more inter­ac­tion between friends. Some users will gain access to the fea­ture right away, but it is expect­ed to see a slow roll­out, so many will have to wait before see­ing the option.

The sta­tus update change comes as Face­book is also explor­ing an expan­sion of the Watch option to include a sec­tion ded­i­cat­ed entire­ly to the news. Watch is Facebook’s home for orig­i­nal video con­tent, a page that mix­es both videos from fol­lowed Pages along with the most-watched videos, clips friends are watch­ing, and new video sug­ges­tions. The new sec­tion is expect­ed to fol­low the news feed’s new focus on local news but Face­book has not shared a launch date for the new sec­tion yet. The change comes as Face­book is deliv­er­ing around one per­cent less actu­al news to the news feed.

Anoth­er expan­sion for the social media giant expands Face­book Spaces, the vir­tu­al real­i­ty hang­out, to Groups. While the fea­ture pre­vi­ous­ly allowed users to inter­act with friends inside VR, the update expands the inter­ac­tion to mem­bers of the same Group. Meet­ing with a fel­low group mem­ber may mean you don’t actu­al­ly know that per­son in real life, so with the change, Face­book will allow users to mute, pause or report inter­ac­tions with oth­er Group members.


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