Rosy Strategies

Evolution of Social Media Marketing — What Success Looks Like

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Social media num­bers make it easy to mis­in­ter­pret true val­ue and suc­cess online. Met­rics that appear front and cen­ter boast fol­low­er counts, num­bers of likes and shares. But if a sig­nif­i­cant per­cent­age of high like-counts are not con­vert­ing into cus­tomers, where­in lies the success?

Social media adver­tis­ing requires sig­nif­i­cant invest­ment; the invest­ment that should be backed by strong ROI. But how, many com­pa­nies won­der, do they quan­ti­fy the return? Let’s look at the val­ue of social media mar­ket­ing ser­vices, and how to iden­ti­fy their pur­pose­ful­ness in your over­all brand strategy.

The Views

We need to break free of the empha­sis on views. When social media first emerged, gen­er­at­ing many brand impres­sions was con­sid­ered impres­sive and sig­nif­i­cant. Today, we know bet­ter; views are only as strong as their con­ver­sions into sales.


Engage­ment man­i­fests as likes, favorites, fol­lows and pos­i­tive com­ments. Although it is not nec­es­sar­i­ly a pre­dic­tive indi­ca­tor of sales, engage­ment shows the effec­tive­ness and appeal of your mar­ket­ing efforts. Engage­ment val­ue can be observed in con­sumer com­mu­ni­ca­tion and test­ing of cre­ative strategies.


With­out con­ver­sions, clicks and likes are with­out val­ue. Sure, they look impres­sive to an audi­ence; per­haps they even legit­imize your brand. But what good will a legit­imized rep­u­ta­tion be if said “lik­ers” are nev­er evolv­ing into con­sumers? Qual­i­ty ranks over quan­ti­ty when it comes to social media. Focus con­tent and posts on the inter­ests of con­sumers who actu­al­ly con­vert into your pur­chasers and loyalists.

Social media man­age­ment is a try­ing task, and it is one that should not be tak­en light­ly. Make the most of your social efforts by hir­ing the best social media mar­ket­ing Mia­mi team at Rosy Strate­gies. Part­ner with our experts to take your brand to the top of the com­pe­ti­tion and max­i­mize every dol­lar you put forth into your social and online mar­ket­ing efforts.

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