Rosy Strategies

Evergreen Content: The Key to Building a Lasting Online Presence

Content Is King Typed Words on a Vintage Typewriter

If you’ve been active­ly into dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, you’ve prob­a­bly heard the term “ever­green con­tent” tossed around occa­sion­al­ly. What is ever­green con­tent exact­ly, and how can it help you build a com­mand­ing pres­ence? How can ever­green arti­cles help you forge a more mean­ing­ful bond with your audi­ence, and how can you build more cred­i­bil­i­ty online?

Well, to put things sim­ply, ever­green blog posts and oth­er con­tent for­mats are con­tent that retain rel­e­vance. It’s con­tent that’s always valu­able with­out being time sen­si­tive. This means that it will also keep dri­ving traf­fic long after being pub­lished. Still, how can you lever­age ever­green con­tent? The team at Rosy Strate­gies has the answers! 

What Is Evergreen Content?

To be more pre­cise, ever­green arti­cles or blog posts are pieces of search-opti­mized con­tent that will always be fresh and rel­e­vant for your read­ers in your indus­try. Some site own­ers (and even mar­keters) assume that all pieces of online con­tent can be sus­tain­able, but it’s just not the case. Even though none of your blog posts dis­ap­pear after being pub­lished, when com­pared to ever­green con­tent, these pieces will slow­ly start gen­er­at­ing less and less traf­fic. At the same time, ever­green blog posts will still be able to dri­ve vis­i­tors and even become the most vis­it­ed page on your site.

Most Popular Evergreen Formats

Some might think that blog posts or arti­cles are the only true pieces of ever­green con­tent. Still, sev­er­al dif­fer­ent for­mats can remain pret­ty rel­e­vant for your vis­i­tors, such as:

Still, you should remem­ber that pub­lish­ing these for­mats won’t grant that they will imme­di­ate­ly become “ever­green con­tent.” Still, these types have the best chances to dri­ve traf­fic long after pub­li­ca­tion. Just think about it: an instruc­tion­al video on chang­ing a flat tire will always be rel­e­vant, just like most cook­ing tips. Prac­ti­cal­i­ty is what gives ever­green arti­cles their longevi­ty, apart from using the per­tain­ing, high search vol­ume key­words for SEO optimization. 

Making Blogs or Articles Evergreen

As men­tioned above, a prac­ti­cal piece of con­tent won’t become instant­ly ever­green. Still, with these tips below, you can sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve your chances to keep dri­ving con­stant traffic: 

Examples of Evergreen Articles

It might seem a bit con­fus­ing, but explor­ing ever­green top­ics isn’t that dif­fi­cult. For instance, take the fol­low­ing prime exam­ples of ever­green articles:

Don’t for­get; these are just exam­ples of effi­cient ever­green arti­cles and blog posts, and some may not work well or be irrel­e­vant to your indus­try. We assume that you already have a few indus­try- or even niche-spe­cif­ic ever­green pieces in mind. 

Some­times, find­ing great top­ics for ever­green blog posts can be chal­leng­ing, main­ly because most of them have already been cov­ered thou­sands of times. Still, this shouldn’t dis­cour­age you from writ­ing about them. By includ­ing top­ic- and indus­try-rel­e­vant key­words, you can improve your chances of get­ting that con­tent in front of your read­ers. If you have your own unique spin on the arti­cle, you will be able to deliv­er val­ue even if your read­ers are already famil­iar with the topic. 

Not All Articles Are Evergreen Content

What isn’t, and what is ever­green con­tent? While every piece of con­tent on your pages holds a cer­tain amount of val­ue, not all of these blocks of text, videos, and arti­cles are evergreen.

For exam­ple, cur­rent fash­ion and cloth­ing trends, news arti­cles, recent reports, and stats will quick­ly become out­dat­ed and might not “hold their val­ue” the same way true ever­green pieces will. 

What you need to remem­ber is that ever­green blog posts or arti­cles have no expi­ra­tion date. That said, a blog post about a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion may be well-writ­ten and opti­mized for SEO bril­liant­ly. Still, chances are, it will lose its rel­e­vance right after the ral­ly­ing is over. 

How to Create Evergreen Content? 

What are the best prac­tices for cre­at­ing ever­green arti­cles, blog posts, and video mate­ri­als? The fol­low­ing tips can be help­ful if you are look­ing to enrich your web­site with ever­green materials:

Opting for the Right Keywords

In order to become vis­i­ble and dri­ve traf­fic, your ever­green pieces need to be opti­mized for search engines. Con­duct­ing the prop­er key­word research before writ­ing your arti­cle can go a long way in boost­ing its visibility. 

SEO Optimization

Using the right key­words is only a part of the equa­tion. You also need to opti­mize your pages, URL, and so on. Search engine opti­miza­tion is a sci­ence on its own, and it can sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve your chances of reach­ing a larg­er online crowd.

Tone Down Your Technical Language

Your best bet is to cater to begin­ners. Even then, you will be able to show­case your knowl­edge but remem­ber, experts are most like­ly look­ing for less broad top­ics, and you want to write to a larg­er and recur­ring audience.

On the same note, try to refrain from overus­ing indus­try jar­gon. Or, if you do play around with terms, make sure that you are con­stant­ly explain­ing them.

Don’t Bury Your Evergreen Pieces

Once writ­ten, don’t let your ever­green blog posts slip into obliv­ion. To keep them per­form­ing, you can always add ever­green arti­cles to your blog’s side­bar or cre­ate a com­pre­hen­sive train­ing page with your how-to guides. You can cre­ate a space on your site for your fea­tured arti­cles. Also, you can always opt to reshare them every once in a while on your social chan­nels to keep them in front of your audience’s eyes. 

Last­ly, you should make an effort to update these arti­cles and blog posts reg­u­lar­ly, with more text and new key­words, or com­bine them with oth­er for­mats (such as info­graph­ics or video) to cre­ate an even more engag­ing and immer­sive experience. 

Explore Every Option

With­out a doubt, ever­green con­tent is essen­tial for online suc­cess. Still, you don’t have to focus entire­ly on these for­mats. Top­i­cal and time­ly pieces also have a cru­cial role to play in your dig­i­tal strat­e­gy, as they are per­fect for short-term cam­paigns and oth­er tactics. 

That said, always aim to pro­vide a sol­id blend of time-sen­si­tive and long-last­ing con­tent to max­i­mize your potential. 

Don’t for­get that good dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing means exploit­ing every pos­si­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty and dig­i­tal asset you have. Need help with SEO? Or, are you look­ing for a well-versed social media agency in Mia­mi and Fort Laud­erdale, FL? We are more than hap­py to hear your con­cerns and bring the best out of your brand online.

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