Rosy Strategies

Effective SEO Tips to Increase Your B2B Sales

Effective SEO Tips to Increase Your B2B Sales

SOURCE: Export Hub

In today’s mod­ern B2B busi­ness envi­ron­ment, you can’t even imag­ine ignor­ing B2B dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tech­niques for qual­i­ty lead gen­er­a­tion and sale. How­ev­er, many ecom­merce busi­ness own­ers often miss out on using SEO lead gen­er­a­tion tech­niques in their mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. To be pre­cise, SEO for B2B is not an add-on, it’s actu­al­ly a cru­cial aspect for organ­ic lead generation.

You can’t imag­ine see­ing a rise in your online B2B sales until you surge SEO traf­fic. SEO should be the prin­ci­pal of how you imple­ment oth­er B2B dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tech­niques like con­tent cre­ation, social strat­e­gy and web development.

If that doesn’t influ­ence you, take a look at this,

Over 3.5 bil­lion search­es are made on Google per day. That’s more than 40,000 per sec­ond! Imag­ine the traf­fic you can gen­er­ate by get­ting ranked on the first page for spe­cif­ic key­words and search phrases.


If you aren’t entire­ly aware with what SEO does, then I’d like to make it clear that this B2B dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy helps mere­ly your web pages reach the top of every search relat­ed to your prod­ucts or brand. When you have ranked any­place on the first page, your click-through pro­por­tion has a bet­ter chance of growing.

We can even call it human nature now! I mean, don’t you click on the links that appear on the first page? I’m pret­ty sure you do!

That means your ulti­mate goal should be to cap­ture that Numero Uno posi­tion though that isn’t a walk in the park! Here are a few tips on B2B SEO mar­ket­ing to increase both your organ­ic B2B lead gen­er­a­tion and B2B sales.

1.      Primary Keywords in the Right Place

In order for your key­word to have any chance of get­ting a good rank, you have to make sure that your key­word is men­tioned at least once in the fol­low­ing areas;

★ Post Title
★ Page URL
★ Meta Title
★ Meta Description
★ Content

Although this is a cru­cial aspect that should nev­er be ignored by any B2B SEO expert, you have to do it smart­ly. Sur­pris­ing­ly, the flip side of the tech­nique is known as one of the biggest SEO mis­takes that you should avoid. It’s called key­word stuff­ing. As a B2B SEO expert, you have to make sure that your con­tent should be tar­get­ed to human read­ers. In order for that to hap­pen, it should flow nat­u­ral­ly and make every key­word look nat­ur­al and valu­able. – Bal­ance is cru­cial to make the most out of it!

2.      Manually Add Pages to Google

If your web­site is new, or you’ve made some changes in the con­tent of a spe­cif­ic web page, there are times when it won’t get indexed as fast as you want. If your page doesn’t get indexed, you’ll nev­er get any key­words ranked, and even­tu­al­ly, you’ll end up with no traf­fic. How­ev­er, you can man­u­al­ly get your pages indexed by request­ing Google crawlers to view your page. All you have to do is use the Google Search Con­sole, for­mer­ly known as the Web­mas­ter tool. Sim­ply add the URL you want to get indexed, and Google will go through it ASAP!

3.      Use Internal Links

Inter­nal links are high­ly ben­e­fi­cial for a web­site. Not only do they help read­ers move from one page to anoth­er, but it also helps in improv­ing your rank on Google. Inter­nal link­ing is a great SEO tech­nique as it helps reduce your bounce rate and boosts your website’s aver­age user time. These two fig­ures can be seen in with the Google Ana­lyt­ics tool. As a B2B SEO expert, your job is to make sure all the reports shown in Google Ana­lyt­ics are good. There­fore, make sure your use inter­nal links.

4.      Content is King

Yes, SEO is essen­tial in get­ting your site ranked on Google. How­ev­er, if you have excep­tion­al con­tent on your web­site, your life will get a lot eas­i­er. Google is always hun­gry for infor­ma­tive and high-qual­i­ty con­tent. In fact, you’ll even see many web pages that get ranked with­out you even using SEO tech­niques on them, if the con­tent is engag­ing and effec­tive enough. How­ev­er, SEO is pri­mar­i­ly used to pol­ish that piece of con­tent. Your opti­miza­tion process will increase its prob­a­bil­i­ty of end­ing up any­where on the first page, or even in the first position.

Make sure all your con­tent is error-free and unique. Any sign of pla­gia­rized mate­r­i­al will only get your web­site a penal­ty that can result in a drop of rank on all your web­site. Or, in some cas­es, if too much con­tent is found to be copied your site may even get flagged, lead­ing to all your pages being removed from Google. Though con­tent is what can help you dri­ve in a race, if mis­used it can throw you out of the com­pe­ti­tion instantly!


The tips men­tioned above are cru­cial to help­ing your Online B2B mar­ket­place gen­er­ate an excel­lent online pres­ence lead­ing to more B2B sales. As a B2B SEO expert, you have to make sure that all your web pages are opti­mized and have the right key­words. In addi­tion, ensure that all the con­tent on your site is of high-qual­i­ty and is infor­ma­tive. Once your web­site is SEO opti­mized and has the right con­tent, you’ll even­tu­al­ly wit­ness your key­words, and web pages get a good rank on Google, and oth­er search engines like Bing and Baidu lead­ing to more B2B sales.

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