Rosy Strategies

Digital Marketing Strategies: 6 Digital Marketing Tactics That Work

Businessman Working With Laptop and Digital Tablet With Virtual Icons Interface

It’s pret­ty much com­mon­place to say that the inter­net is here to stay. Still, when we take a look at the num­bers from the begin­ning of the year, there were over 5.16 bil­lion peo­ple who used the inter­net across the globe. This amounts to 64.4% of the entire pop­u­la­tion. And, when you’re look­ing at it that way, busi­ness­es can use this dig­i­tal sphere to reach rough­ly half of the peo­ple in the world with dig­i­tal marketing.

Still, busi­ness­es and entre­pre­neurs need to use the best online mar­ket­ing tac­tics for that to hap­pen. The com­pe­ti­tion is stiff, the required tech­nol­o­gy evolves rapid­ly, and reach­ing out to users can become tricky at times, espe­cial­ly when a brand is just “wing­ing” dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing with­out a clear strat­e­gy. That said, the team here at Rosy Strate­gies dis­cuss­es the most preva­lent online mar­ket­ing strate­gies for 2023 that can help reach out to new leads and retain exist­ing and old customers/clients. 

The Importance of Digital Marketing Strategies

When we’re talk­ing about the dig­i­tal realm, a well-exe­cut­ed strat­e­gy will always be a well-planned strat­e­gy. Those brands and mar­keters who active­ly plan their mar­ket­ing approach and set goals are 377% more suc­cess­ful than their dis­or­ga­nized counterparts. 

Mak­ing good use of effec­tive dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tac­tics is essen­tial. With­out it, lead gen­er­a­tion, social cam­paigns, and even brand-build­ing efforts can fall apart. To make mat­ters worse, users can be dis­cern­ing and shift to oth­er brands with­out a sec­ond thought. So, how can a busi­ness keep its online pres­ence intact and attract new busi­ness? The online mar­ket­ing strate­gies we’ll dis­cuss below will def­i­nite­ly be a good start.

1. Mobile-First Marketing

This is a “must” online mar­ket­ing tac­tic for every pro­gres­sive busi­ness. As more and more peo­ple use their phones for surf­ing the inter­net, all mar­keters and brands must accom­mo­date their sites, apps, and mar­ket­ing approach­es to the char­ac­ter­is­tics of mobile phones and the behav­iors users show­case when using their phones. 

Mar­ket­ing deci­sions should be guid­ed by cus­tomer needs and expec­ta­tions, and users expect brands to deliv­er seam­less, flaw­less, and con­sis­tent expe­ri­ences across all devices. Why is this impor­tant? Num­bers from sev­er­al sta­tis­ti­cal sur­veys con­duct­ed between 2020 and 2022 have the numbers: 

How do these num­bers trans­late into good dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tac­tics? First, opt­ing for a respon­sive web­site will ensure your site looks good on every screen size and res­o­lu­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, you will need to opti­mize every­thing on your site for mobile while cre­at­ing the mar­ket­ing plan. Every­thing, from your con­tent, blog posts, ads, emails, and even social posts, should be cre­at­ed with smart­phones in mind. 

On that end, good visu­als and video con­tent can go a long way in impress­ing con­sumers. Mobile apps are anoth­er crit­i­cal cor­ner­stone of the mobile-first approach in a dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, as 2019 sta­tis­tics show that in Q3 of the same year, users spent an astound­ing $23 bil­lion through mobile apps on a glob­al scale. Invest­ing in a brand-spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion can great­ly improve your over­all dig­i­tal pres­ence and can cre­ate new goals in your online mar­ket­ing tactics. 

2. Cross-Platform Content Strategies 

Anoth­er effi­cient online tac­tic is to make great use of every lead­ing dig­i­tal plat­form to engage with your audi­ence. Also, you will need to be present on the same chan­nels where your com­peti­tors get their traffic.

An omnipresent con­tent plan may seem too much at first glance, but with time, it becomes eas­i­er as one chan­nel can always feed the oth­er, while you will have more space to com­mu­ni­cate with exist­ing and future customers.

Last­ly, a mul­ti-plat­form approach should also reflect brand har­mo­ny or a cohe­sive per­son­al­i­ty as a brand. This means your online and offline con­tent should all fol­low the same col­or pat­terns and scheme so there’s no brand dissonance. 

3. Chatbots

These AI-pow­ered pieces of soft­ware can sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve over­all cus­tomer expe­ri­ence and still have lots of untapped poten­tial for mar­ket­ing purposes.

For starters, chat­bots can be excel­lent for Face­book Mes­sen­ger drip cam­paigns and can be your best option for 24/7 cus­tomer support. 

They can be vital for any com­pre­hen­sive dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tac­tic, as bots are also able to gath­er insights that can be lat­er used for lead gen­er­a­tion and sales improve­ment. Not to men­tion, bots can be a great way to cut down labor costs. 

4. Marketing Automation

In essence, this online mar­ket­ing tac­tic means automat­ing sev­er­al repet­i­tive tasks with tools so you or your employ­ees can focus on oth­er, more impor­tant goals.

Automa­tion can be used in var­i­ous dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strate­gies, such as send­ing trig­gered emails, launch­ing chat­bots to help with cus­tomer sup­port, and more.

Need­less to say, automa­tion has sev­er­al advan­tages. Apart from gath­er­ing insights and pulling out reports, it can help with lead gen­er­a­tion, lead nur­tur­ing, and more. Run­ning auto­mat­ed process­es can also retar­get pre­vi­ous site vis­i­tors, gen­er­ate bun­dle offers, start cart aban­don­ment work­flows, and more. 

On the oth­er hand, automa­tion does­n’t have to be all about leads and sales. Con­sis­ten­cy is essen­tial in mar­ket­ing, and as such, it’s also one of its most sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenges. Automa­tion tools can also help with social media post sched­ul­ing, email newslet­ters, and oth­er repet­i­tive mar­ket­ing rou­tines that aren’t hard to do. Still, they may take up a large chunk of your or your employ­ees’ time.

5. Visual and Voice Search

We’ve dis­cussed this in a pre­vi­ous arti­cle, and it’s evi­dent that voice search will be more and more preva­lent as 2023 pro­gress­es. Google has also launched Google Assis­tant for voice search and Search by Pho­to for search­ing visu­als. And when Google launch­es new fea­tures, inno­v­a­tive brands and mar­keters should take the hint. 

Embrac­ing voice search can grant your con­sumer a hands-free expe­ri­ence that can be espe­cial­ly handy if they are mul­ti­task­ing. Visu­al tag­ging on your site can help facil­i­tate a bet­ter shop­ping expe­ri­ence and even bet­ter in-store vis­its if crawlers can catch images from your site with prices, loca­tions, and reviews. 

6. Tell a Story With Your Brand

While this isn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly a new con­cept, it’s still an effec­tive online mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. Peo­ple don’t buy from busi­ness­es; they buy from oth­er humans. As such, your brand can’t be face­less – it needs to have a sto­ry to tell. It needs to have a com­pre­hen­sive nar­ra­tive that embraces your vision, mis­sion, val­ues, ser­vices, and prod­ucts and tugs on the heart­strings of your customers. 

Telling a brand’s sto­ry cre­ative­ly isn’t easy, but when you suc­ceed, you can cre­ate a strong bond between your busi­ness and your customers/clients. Last­ly, a strong brand will help you dif­fer­en­ti­ate your busi­ness from the rest.

Strategize and Succeed With Expert Help

Hir­ing a great social media agency in Mia­mi and Fort Laud­erdale that can help you with a myr­i­ad of oth­er dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing func­tions can go a long way in reach­ing your online busi­ness goals. With us, you can forge a mean­ing­ful part­ner­ship as we strive to help our clients achieve their max­i­mum online poten­tial with the lat­est and best dig­i­tal tac­tics and tools avail­able. So, what’s the best online mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy for this year? Con­tact­ing an expert mar­ket­ing agency – us. 

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