Rosy Strategies

Develop Strategic Philanthropy: Understanding the Importance of Socially Responsible Investing

Seedling Growing From Fertile Soil Was Gently Encircled With Hands Showing Recycling Icon Symbol, Concept of Environmental Conservation and Protection of Our World Sustainable.

We are liv­ing in an age where the aver­age con­sumer is more social­ly aware and wants to be more respon­si­ble. In turn, con­sumers also expect the brands they buy from to be more social­ly respon­si­ble. The busi­ness land­scape is shift­ing, and social­ly-con­scious invest­ing cou­pled with cause-relat­ed mar­ket­ing is vital for mak­ing respon­si­ble invest­ments and work­ing togeth­er with non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions for a greater cause. 

As a busi­ness own­er, you might be won­der­ing how to get start­ed with social­ly respon­si­ble invest­ing and how it can help your company’s over­all busi­ness goals. In this arti­cle, the team at Rosy Strate­gies com­piled all the nec­es­sary info you need to know about SRI invest­ments, thanks to years of expe­ri­ence in pro­vid­ing excel­lent strate­gic phil­an­thropy ser­vices in Flori­da

What Is Strategic Philanthropy?

The best def­i­n­i­tion for this term would be a method of cor­po­rate giv­ing and oth­er phil­an­thropic actions of a com­pa­ny to best fit the over­all goals, mis­sion, and val­ues of the brand. This means that the brand should have a sol­id strat­e­gy for align­ing phil­an­thropic endeav­ors with mar­ket­ing and busi­ness goals for a greater cause.

These social­ly-con­scious invest­ments usu­al­ly involve a part­ner­ship between non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions and stan­dard busi­ness­es that work togeth­er for a char­i­ta­ble cause. In this case, strate­gic phil­an­thropy should enable both the pro­mo­tion of sales for the com­pa­ny while help­ing the char­i­ty and rais­ing aware­ness for both enti­ties, boost­ing their pos­i­tive pub­lic­i­ty in the process.

How Do Responsible Investments Work in Strategic Philanthropy?

SRI invest­ments should be seen as a cru­cial part of every cause-relat­ed mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. To be hon­est, it’s a bit like give-and-take, and busi­ness­es might not see the pos­i­tive impact of social­ly-con­scious invest­ing right away. 

Here’s an exam­ple that might help. Let’s say that your busi­ness sells fish­ing sup­plies and opts to team up with a non­prof­it that aims to keep the oceans free of pollution.

You make a respon­si­ble invest­ment, i.e., donate resources and mon­ey to the orga­ni­za­tion and encour­age your teams to do at least some vol­un­teer­ing, like join­ing a cleanup action. The aim is to help the cause and do some good. 

At the same time, your cus­tomers will notice that you care about pro­tect­ing the water­ways and will be more like­ly to become more attached to your brand as they can see the phil­an­thropic, “humane” side of your business. 

You should remem­ber that social­ly respon­si­ble invest­ing isn’t always a fly-by-night process, and it takes time. With the right mar­ket­ing approach, you can cre­ate a more loy­al cus­tomer base and bet­ter estab­lish your brand in your industry. 

The Benefits of SRI Investments and Cause-Related Marketing 

When done with the right mar­ket­ing approach, SRI invest­ments can have numer­ous ben­e­fits that can impact your brand, both short-term and in the long run. For example: 

Developing a Strategy for Making Responsible Investments

There are cas­es when con­sumers see social­ly respon­si­ble invest­ing and cause-relat­ed mar­ket­ing as a “cheap trick” to boost pub­lic­i­ty and make more sales. 

On that end, sales shouldn’t be the end goal of such strate­gies. Instead, SRI invest­ments are indeed for those com­pa­nies who gen­uine­ly want to give back and tru­ly sup­port a cause that aligns with their brand’s values. 

This is why it’s cru­cial that brands devel­op a viable strat­e­gy and cam­paign for SRI invest­ments. The help of an expe­ri­enced mar­ket­ing agency will often go a long way in this, as mar­ket­ing experts know how to do care­ful research and the prepa­ra­tion for a suc­cess­ful campaign. 

As such, here are the most cru­cial aspects of devel­op­ing a sol­id strat­e­gy for phil­an­thropic caus­es and respon­si­ble investments:

Finding a Legitimate Cause

Social­ly-con­scious invest­ing and cause-relat­ed mar­ket­ing should revolve around a legit­i­mate cause that tru­ly makes a dif­fer­ence and is aligned with the vision and mis­sion of your brand. 

On that end, you don’t have to part­ner with a renowned non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion — just research the cre­den­tials of the orga­ni­za­tions you could poten­tial­ly team up with. Go with a legit­i­mate non­prof­it and a legit­i­mate cause to pre­vent wast­ing resources, time, and mon­ey on a project that ends up being a scam. 

The Cause Is Relevant

As men­tioned above, the cause should be rel­e­vant to your brand. If you are sell­ing sport­ing goods, you can always team up with a non­prof­it that helps with, let’s say, get­ting chil­dren involved in sports or bet­ter yet, works to pre­vent child­hood obesity. 

Choos­ing a cause that’s rel­e­vant to your core busi­ness val­ues is essen­tial since it will enable you to help in more than one way (instead of just giv­ing mon­ey, you can donate sport­ing equip­ment if we take the exam­ple above), and you will also appear more legit­i­mate in front of your audience. 

Make an Impact

SRI invest­ments aren’t just about writ­ing mas­sive checks and call­ing it a day. While it will def­i­nite­ly sup­port the cause, it can come off as disin­gen­u­ous and disengaged. 

Apart from mon­e­tary dona­tions, also focus on oth­er ways to give back. Your con­sumers should see your brand mak­ing a dif­fer­ence and active­ly work­ing to make things better. 

You can help with event plan­ning, vol­un­teer work, email cam­paign man­age­ment, donat­ing ser­vices or prod­ucts, or you may also help with cre­at­ing pro­mo mate­ri­als for the cause.

Promote the Cause and Involve Your Audience

To ensure that you can max­i­mize the poten­tial of the work you’re doing with your non­prof­it part­ner, you need to cre­ate an effec­tive ad or social media cam­paign to get the mes­sage out and let peo­ple know about the project. This won’t only make more peo­ple aware of the char­i­ty and your brand, but it might also inspire them to take part in the action. 

If they want, allow them to help. Encour­age them to vol­un­teer, donate, or help in any oth­er way. This way, you will raise aware­ness not just for your brand and the cause but will pro­vide immense help for the non­prof­it as well. 

Do It the Right Way

SRI invest­ments are gen­uine­ly help­ful actions of brands and busi­ness­es who care and want to make a dif­fer­ence. Still, strate­gic phil­an­thropy may have sev­er­al pit­falls, espe­cial­ly if you have lit­tle expe­ri­ence in this field. 

That’s why part­ner­ing up with an expe­ri­enced mar­ket­ing agency can help you cre­ate an effi­cient strat­e­gy that will help your cause-relat­ed mar­ket­ing efforts and ensure that the mes­sage gets out, not just to your cus­tomers but to every­one else who tru­ly cares.

We can and want to help you make a dif­fer­ence. Reach out to us today.

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