Rosy Strategies

What Buying A Car Can Teach Marketers About The B2B Buyer’s Journey

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What does buy­ing a car have to do with busi­ness-to-busi­ness pur­chas­ing? Maybe more than you think. Fas­ten your seat­belts and con­sid­er this: B2B buy­ers have B2C lives too. So it makes sense that their expe­ri­ence in the con­sumer world influ­ences how they research pur­chas­es at work.

Now con­sid­er this: accord­ing to Mar­ke­to, 65% of B2B buy­ers feel mar­keters could do a bet­ter job align­ing mar­ket­ing activ­i­ties with their preferences–less than half (47%) of B2C buy­ers feel the same way. It’s clear B2B mar­keters might want to take a page out of the B2C mar­ket­ing user man­u­al to forge stronger con­nec­tions with their cus­tomers and reduce fric­tion at every stage of the buyer’s journey.

Under­stand­ing how B2C buy­ers research and pur­chase will help you opti­mize your con­tent deliv­ery strat­e­gy in no time!


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