Rosy Strategies

Best Tips for Small Business Owners: How To Write an “About Me” Page

Businessman Using Laptop Computer Sitting Working Office.

You might not know, but your web­site’s About Me page is one of the most cru­cial aspects of your online pres­ence. This is the page where your poten­tial clients, employ­ees, web­site users, cus­tomers, and all oth­er pro­fes­sion­al con­nec­tions can get a clos­er look at who you are and what you do. As such, writ­ing an about me page the cor­rect way can be an essen­tial tool for pro­mot­ing your busi­ness brand.

Writ­ing a com­pelling and gen­uine­ly unique About Me page can be a bit chal­leng­ing because most peo­ple find it dif­fi­cult to write about them­selves or the com­pa­ny they’ve built. For­tu­nate­ly, the team here at Rosy Strate­gies has com­piled a few tips and About Me page exam­ple ideas to ensure you won’t be strug­gling when you write your first About Me state­ment or update the last one. 

Right off the bat, here are a few excel­lent tips that can help you get started:

Now, after these few point­ers, here’s the rest. 

What’s an About Me Page? 

This page should be a “sum­ma­ry” page on your com­pa­ny web­site that describes your busi­ness, briefly dis­cuss­es its his­to­ry, and talks about what your busi­ness does, i.e., how it helps customers.

Typ­i­cal­ly, this page won’t have much con­tent — only two to five paragraphs. 

Why should you have an About Me page? This is a ques­tion that a lot of new­com­ers to the dig­i­tal world may ask. In real­i­ty, craft­ing a sol­id About Me page is essen­tial for many rea­sons, and here are only a few of them: 

How To Write an About Me Section: Getting Started

Sim­ply put, when writ­ing an About Me page, you should focus on con­vey­ing the following:

This sec­tion is excel­lent for dis­cussing your com­pa­ny’s exper­tise, cre­den­tials, and goals. To write a well-round­ed text, you can always ask your­self the fol­low­ing ques­tions and deter­mine your About Me sec­tion based on your answers.

What is your busi­ness cur­rent­ly doing, and how did it get here? 

What aspects of your indus­try is your business/brand most pas­sion­ate about? 

What do you con­sid­er your com­pa­ny’s most sig­nif­i­cant accom­plish­ment in the industry?

What is your com­pa­ny doing at the moment, and how does it offers val­ue to its employees/customers/clients?

Once you’ve answered these ques­tions and tak­en a more thor­ough look at the results, you’ll find that you already have the lion’s share of the mate­r­i­al required for writ­ing an About Me page. Just ensure that what you write will reflect what your busi­ness does, how it got there, and where it will advance next.

Take a look at any good About Me page exam­ples, and you will be able to detect the answers to these ques­tions. Also, you will see a tone of voice that’s brand-accu­rate, i.e., reflects the brand’s over­all vision and spirit. 

Need­less to say, a good About Me exam­ple will also blend in with the brand’s iden­ti­ty visually. 

Tips for Writing an About Me Page

When craft­ing your sec­tion, you should decide right off the bat whether you want to talk in first per­son as the busi­ness own­er or use the plur­al and refer to the com­pa­ny as “our” business. 

This might not seem such a big deal, but opt­ing for a first-per­son nar­ra­tive will mean incor­po­rat­ing a lot of “I” sen­tences. This can make you, the busi­ness own­er, appear a bit over­con­fi­dent and even arro­gant if you use an over­ly assertive and poised tone. 

On the oth­er hand, using the plur­al form, as men­tioned above, can help evoke a more con­ven­tion­al and team-focused expe­ri­ence, which can often be more reas­sur­ing for the reader.

Addi­tion­al­ly, don’t ram­ble. Keep things short and clear. The sec­tion’s con­tent should­n’t be longer than 250 to 500 words. If you write some­thing longer than that, your read­ers won’t even fin­ish it.  

If you do have to keep things on the longer end, use bul­let points to break up the text.

Don’t for­get about the imagery. Pro­mot­ing your exper­tise and brand is incom­plete with­out a pro­fes­sion­al image. You can con­sid­er an expert shot of your busi­ness, or you can always put your logo on the page, along with the pho­tos of the owner(s) of the com­pa­ny and upper man­age­ment.  

Adding a few faces is espe­cial­ly impor­tant if you want to “human­ize” your brand and enable your read­ers to con­nect a face with your business.

When writ­ing your About Me page, make sure to stay hum­ble while list­ing your accom­plish­ments, and ensure that you use your own voice or the voice that rep­re­sents your brand.

While humor can be effec­tive in these About Me sec­tions, avoid crack­ing jokes. You don’t have to force your­self to be humor­ous or to sound enter­tain­ing and clever. Instead, focus on being engag­ing and approach­able; if there’s space for a bit of humor, go for it. 

Make sure that you are hon­est. Make an effort and focus on the things your busi­ness does best. You should high­light your com­pa­ny’s gen­uine strengths. Oth­er­wise, you might “over­reach” a bit and get calls from peo­ple inter­est­ed in ser­vices that are only sec­ondary to your busi­ness, which can even hurt your rep­u­ta­tion if you aren’t careful.

Last­ly, proof­read the text and read it out loud. Read­ing the text out loud will let you check whether the whole text flows nat­u­ral­ly. Typos and gram­mar errors make the busi­ness look unpro­fes­sion­al, and you want to avoid that at all costs.

We Are Your Go-to Experts in Marketing

Writ­ing a great About Me page is cru­cial but only the tip of the ice­berg in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing. If you want to learn more about posi­tion­ing and pre­sent­ing your brand online, feel free to reach out to us. 

Also, if you are look­ing to up your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy with even more ser­vices, like SEO Ser­vices in Mia­mi and Fort Laud­erdale, FL, you can be 100% cer­tain that we can help you max­i­mize your dig­i­tal efforts’ potential.

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