Rosy Strategies

Five Important Lessons On How To Attract High End Clients

Cool mysterious high end consumer with shopping bags undercover

It is every entrepreneur’s goal to have high end clients — these are clients that can real­ly cre­ate a big dif­fer­ence in the prof­itabil­i­ty of any busi­ness. They do not care at all about the cost as long as they can be cer­tain to get supe­ri­or quality.

How­ev­er, not all busi­ness­es know the essen­tials of how to attract high end clients; most only go with the sim­plis­tic idea that as long as they work on their prod­ucts and ser­vices and are at par with oth­ers, these impor­tant clients will come.

This is not the case at all.

To get these really good clients, it is imperative for a business to completely understand the way these people think and operate.

Here are five crucial lessons on how to achieve this goal:

Let Price Reflect the Quality

Pro­vid­ing eco­nom­i­cal or bud­get-friend­ly solu­tions is great, but if a busi­ness wants to appear thor­ough­ly com­pet­i­tive and pro­fes­sion­al, the price it charges should always reflect qual­i­ty like no other.

Every mar­ket­ing expert says this: “High end clients do not care much for cheap pro­vi­sions — they do not trust them.”

If the busi­ness is using prime equip­ment or tech­nol­o­gy and has the best pro­fes­sion­als or experts in the busi­ness, in the mind of the wealthy and pow­er­ful, there’s no rea­son for the prod­ucts or ser­vices to be cheap.

Establish a Top Quality Brand

Mahat­ma Gand­hi once said, “It is the qual­i­ty of our work which will please God and not the quantity.”

It is the qual­i­ty that will attract high end clients too.

It’s the small atten­tion to details that they notice. Things like a well-designed site, qual­i­ty pho­tos, even the qual­i­ty of the paper on your print­ed mate­ri­als are all very impor­tant details.

You can also take a cue from one of the episodes of the ‘90s TV series “The Nanny.”

Broad­way mogul, Mr. Sheffield, only want­ed an engage­ment ring for Miss Fine from the most famous jew­el­ry stores like Tiffany and Co., Carti­er, or Har­ry Win­ston because they are trust­wor­thy and are known to pro­duce the best mon­ey can buy.

A busi­ness should always strive and prove to be the best that mon­ey can afford because that sol­id rep­u­ta­tion will estab­lish a top brand that’s reli­able and wor­thy of respect.

Provide Special Perks for Premium Clients

Put a lot of thought into the bonus­es and spe­cial priv­i­leges to that you can throw in for big accounts.

These perks are great man­i­fes­ta­tions of the business’s fine taste and effort to take care of big mon­ey clients.

The key is to add things of high per­ceived val­ue, that act as a “sand­wich” to your main offer.

Think of your main prod­uct as the “meat” of the sand­wich. To com­plete your sand­wich, you want to include bonus­es that become the “bread” of your sand­wich — one for below your meat, and anoth­er that goes above it.

The “bread on the bot­tom” is a bonus that address­es some­thing that may be pre­vent­ing your ide­al client from using your service.

The “bread on the top” is a bonus that you cre­ate relat­ed to your main offer that your clients use after you deliv­er it, to enhance the results.

Offer Consistent and Superior Customer Service

Cus­tomer sup­port or ser­vice is a clear reflec­tion of qual­i­ty oper­a­tions; be classy, elo­quent and con­sis­tent­ly ready to help because high end clients are used to being put first — they do not like to wait.

A famous quote by Sam Wal­ton reads, “There is only one boss. The cus­tomer. And he can fire every­body in the com­pa­ny from the chair­man on down, sim­ply by spend­ing his mon­ey some­where else.”

And since they have the resources to pay for any ser­vice provider, no mat­ter how high the charges are, it’s a big advan­tage to pro­vide them the sup­port or ser­vices when they need and want them to get them to stay.

Develop Strong Lead Generation

Big tick­et sales guru, Kevin Nations stat­ed, “Noth­ing fuels high tick­et sales like pow­er­ful, author­i­ty based lead flows.”

Author­i­ty based lead flows are from sources where you demon­strate your exper­tise in a cer­tain area. This could be things like a week­ly pod­cast, blog or even a book.

In my week­ly pod­cast on author­i­ty mar­ket­ing, we cre­ate con­tent that specif­i­cal­ly address­es the needs of our tar­get prospect, which are “high end clients” that want to become the author­i­ty of their industry.

By giv­ing them this con­tent, you posi­tion your­self as an expert that under­stands their prob­lems and can help them.

The oth­er route is to devel­op a “trip wire”, a low cost prod­uct that can intro­duce a new cus­tomer to you and your busi­ness. The key is to keep the price low, so there is not a pos­si­bil­i­ty of price objection.

This will build a strong rela­tion­ship, and result in attain­ing pre­mi­um clients.

Remem­ber that high-end buy­ers are not look­ing for quick fix­es, hacks or tricks. They want quality

They want you to move them, serve them, and show them they are unique and special.

Make sure that you are being your­self with your clients and allow­ing your authen­tic per­son­al­i­ty to shine.

The days of over­ly pro­fes­sion­al eti­quette are out of style. Peo­ple buy from real peo­ple, so show your bril­liant self and give your client what they want most.


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