Rosy Strategies

7 Tips for Making Your Start-Up Look Bigger

7 Tips for Making Your Start-Up Look Bigger


One of the best ways to estab­lish cred­i­bil­i­ty and trust as a com­pa­ny is to make it seem like a lot big­ger than it actu­al­ly is. Even if you don’t have a large bud­get, you can invest in ser­vices and prod­ucts which allow to both feel and look like a cor­po­ra­tion, even though you’re a small business.

Get a Proper Email

The num­ber of peo­ple who even though they have a web­site still use a gener­ic email address such as out­look or Gmail is amazing.

Think of it this way, you nev­er see any­body in a large busi­ness doing that. So, the sim­ple solu­tion is to get a brand­ed email address. Do it, it’s a neces­si­ty if you want to be tak­en seri­ous­ly.

Proper Email

Getting A Central Business Address

Not only is it dan­ger­ous to list your home address online, but it also makes your com­pa­ny lose cred­i­bil­i­ty. Instead, you may pay for a vir­tu­al office space some­where in your city, or opt to get a box from a local UPS store, so you’ll be able to receive mail from a stan­dard street address.

These ser­vices will often allow you to receive pack­ages from UPS and FedEx, so you can sep­a­rate your busi­ness and home pur­chas­es eas­i­ly. Some ser­vices will scan your mail and e‑mail it to you, mak­ing it eas­i­er for you to keep up, with­out the need for you to pick up the mail every day.

Use large invoice numbers

If you’re send­ing out invoic­es and quotes to the client, start with big­ger numbers.

This will make it seem like you’ve been in busi­ness for longer than you actu­al­ly have, facil­i­tat­ing buy­er con­fi­dence and trust. If the invoice num­ber is some­thing small such as 20 or 32, the cus­tomer will get the impres­sion that you just opened the busi­ness – even if it’s the case, it’s not an image you want to project to customers.

A vari­ety of invoic­ing solu­tions, like Quick­books and Pay­pal, will allow you to choose the start­ing num­ber, so you can keep it all orga­nized for your book­keep­ing and account­ing needs.

Get A Virtual PBX (Private Branch Exchange)

A PBX is a phone sys­tem which allows a com­pa­ny to switch calls between lines whilst allow­ing employ­ees to share a tele­phone sys­tem. Instead of invest­ing in an expen­sive, phys­i­cal PBX sys­tem, you can use a cloud-based option which uses VoIP (Voice Over Inter­net Pro­to­col), such as Skype.

This way, you’ll get to port an exist­ing num­ber over or choose your own, and then pro­vide a vari­ety of exten­sions for inter­nal dial­ing with­in the com­pa­ny. Using a Vir­tu­al PBX or host­ed PBX, you can get your busi­ness a toll-free num­ber as well as a vir­tu­al answer­ing ser­vice which directs users to the depart­ment that can address their issues.

Do Not Use A Formal Title On Your Start-up Business Card

If you are a 1‑person oper­a­tion, you’re obvi­ous­ly the CEO. What’s not obvi­ous is why would the CEO be doing every­thing in a busi­ness. Until your com­pa­ny grows enough to include oth­er employ­ees or con­trac­tors, skip using a title on your cards and oth­er means of communication.

Get a Virtual Receptionist for your Start-up

A recep­tion­ist looks good when peo­ple call and gives your busi­ness the pro­fes­sion­al edge. Addi­tion­al­ly, it ensures that all calls are tak­en and answered and you have no wor­ries about miss­ing out on busi­ness. Try a vir­tu­al recep­tion­ist com­pa­ny like Office Answers and reap the benefits.

Pay Close Attention To Your Website

Your web­site is open 24/7, and it’s the face of your busi­ness on the inter­net. There is a vari­ety of ways to cre­ate a qual­i­ty, pro­fes­sion­al look­ing web­site, even if you’re on a budget.

By using free plat­forms such as Word­Press, you can invest some mon­ey into your domain and host­ing, along with a pre­mi­um theme – then have it all set up in a cou­ple of hours. Oth­er­wise, you may hire a pro­fes­sion­al design­er who’ll be able to cre­ate a cus­tom look for you.

Regard­less of the route you take, don’t for­get to include impor­tant infor­ma­tion like your phone num­ber, address, oper­a­tion hours, and e‑mail address. Make sure to add a con­tact form as well, so users can reach you easily.

If you sell phys­i­cal ser­vices or prod­ucts, a way to make your com­pa­ny seem big­ger is to add an online store to your web­site. This is very easy to do and afford­able with a vari­ety of online solu­tions – just make sure you’re ready to ship orders in time.

When it comes to your website’s con­tent, it’s best to use plur­al Eng­lish such as “we” as opposed to “I”. This sug­gests you have a large team of employ­ees work­ing at your business.

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