Rosy Strategies

5 Ways to Get People to Remember You (And Your Company)

Business people

After a recent lec­ture, a young con­sul­tant came up to me. “I have a prob­lem,” he said. “Peo­ple seem to for­get me right away. I’ll remem­ber meet­ing them, but they have no idea we con­nect­ed before. I think I’m just not mem­o­rable enough. What can I do?”

Being mem­o­rable is essen­tial for every entre­pre­neur — after all, peo­ple won’t fund you or buy from you if they don’t even remem­ber you exist.

Here are five ways to ensure you’re making a strong and lasting impression

1. Identify a commonality

When I inter­viewed the emi­nent psy­chol­o­gist Robert Cial­di­ni for my book Rein­vent­ing You, he told me the fastest way to get some­one to like you is to find a com­mon­al­i­ty you share with them. Peo­ple will trust you and relate to you if they feel you share a bond — whether it’s that you’re from the same home­town, went to the same school or even just that you both like dogs or the col­or orange. And if they like you and trust you, they’ll remem­ber you.

2. Pique their interest

Many of us kill con­ver­sa­tions in the first 10 sec­onds. When some­one asks the inevitable, “What do you do?,” you need a bet­ter answer than just a bor­ing recita­tion: “I own a busi­ness” or “I’m a tech­nol­o­gy entre­pre­neur.” Find a way to pique their curios­i­ty and make them want to know more. It’s a lot more inter­est­ing and mem­o­rable to say “I help com­pa­nies become more famous” or “I’m launch­ing a busi­ness that will enable you to con­nect with doc­tors with­out ever leav­ing your home.”

3. Develop a signature style

Some­times your wardrobe can help you stand out. (Don’t force it if it doesn’t feel nat­ur­al to you.) But Madeleine Albright’s brooches, Tuck­er Carlson’s bowties and Steve Jobs’ black turtle­necks all helped them dis­tin­guish them­selves. If you have a cer­tain acces­so­ry or style you rel­ish, you may con­sid­er mak­ing it a con­scious part of your brand. It’s a lot eas­i­er to remem­ber “Jeff, the guy who always wears col­or­ful socks,” com­pared to “Jeff, that guy who dress­es like every­one else.”

4. Ask a lot of questions

It may sound coun­ter­in­tu­itive but ask­ing a lot of ques­tions can actu­al­ly make you far more mem­o­rable to oth­ers. Peo­ple love to talk about them­selves, and they’re like­ly to remem­ber some­one who asks thought­ful, inter­est­ing ques­tions because it makes them feel appre­ci­at­ed and under­stood. That’s a lot more potent than some­one who sim­ply prat­tles on about their own accomplishments.

5. Find a reason to follow up

If peo­ple don’t remem­ber you, it could be that you’re not giv­ing them enough oppor­tu­ni­ties. It’s hard to remem­ber any­one that you’ve met just once, par­tic­u­lar­ly if you’ve only had a brief inter­ac­tion. So if you’d like to turn a quick meet­ing into a long-last­ing rela­tion­ship, make a point of find­ing a way to con­tin­ue the con­ver­sa­tion. Get their con­tact infor­ma­tion, and try to iden­ti­fy areas that are ripe for fol­low-up. Per­haps you can send them an arti­cle they’d be inter­est­ed in or con­grat­u­late them when their favorite team wins over the week­end. The more expo­sure they have to you, the more like­ly they are to remem­ber you at the next con­fer­ence or Cham­ber of Com­merce event.


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