Rosy Strategies

5 Ways Having No Online Presence Is Hurting Your Business

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Busi­ness­es today know that an online mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is inte­gral to brand devel­op­ment, client reten­tion, and busi­ness expan­sion. What you might not know is that neglect­ing to estab­lish an online pres­ence can be dam­ag­ing to your company. 

Here are 5 Ways Having No Online Presence is Hurting your Business

Nobody can find you

If you don’t have a pres­ence online, then nobody online can find your com­pa­ny. Not only does your busi­ness fail to attract new leads gen­er­at­ed by search engines, but exist­ing clients are unable to share your web­site with friends and prospec­tive clients. The charm of not exist­ing online is a lux­u­ry expe­ri­enced by very few small busi­ness­es, not a brand quirk on which to rely.

Nobody is raving about you

You deserve to be raved about, and to more peo­ple than close friends at lunch. If you have an online pres­ence, cus­tomers can share reviews about how much they love your ser­vices through tes­ti­mo­ni­al. Prospec­tive clients also like to see con­sis­tent, pos­i­tive inter­ac­tion on social media. 

Nobody is listening to you

You prob­a­bly have a lot of stel­lar insight to share about your indus­try. Although your in-per­son client base reaps the ben­e­fits of your intel­lect, there is a glob­al com­mu­ni­ty out there who wants to tune in and spread the word about your brand. 

Nobody wants to work for you

Prospec­tive employ­ees want to join com­pa­nies with a heart­beat, com­pa­nies in the thick of the social sphere. If can­di­dates can’t track you online and share your pro­file with friends, they might be less inter­est­ed in accept­ing an offer. 

Nobody can rely on you

After pur­chase and ser­vices, cus­tomers still need you! They need to con­tact you, see what new trends you’re sup­port­ing if your new ser­vices can help an evolv­ing sit­u­a­tion. If you don’t live online to share this infor­ma­tion, few­er past clients can con­sid­er you reliable. 

If you would like pro­fes­sion­al guid­ance with your online mark­ing strate­gies, reach out to Rosy Strate­gies for the best insight and tools. 

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