Rosy Strategies

5 Tips for Integrating Social Media and Email Marketing

5 Tips for Integrating Social Media and Email Marketing

SOURCE: Social Media Explorer

Email mar­ket­ing is dead and social media mar­ket­ing is tak­ing over. Right?

Well, not exact­ly. While social media mar­ket­ing is the future, email mar­ket­ing still dri­ves lots of successes.

Email has a more pow­er­ful ROI than you might think. Jeff Bul­las explains that for every $1 you spend on your email mar­ket­ing cam­paign, you earn $38.

What about social media mar­ket­ing? Even though major social media plat­forms such as Face­book attract a huge fol­low­ing, you shouldn’t focus all your mar­ket­ing dol­lars on social media.

But should you only con­cern your­self with email mar­ket­ing? No — instead, you can com­bine your social media and email mar­ket­ing efforts.

Here are 5 tips to know.

1. Invite Your Social Media Followers to Your Email Community

Notice how the head­line says “email com­mu­ni­ty” and not some­thing stan­dard such as “email newsletter”?

If your fol­low­ers see “newslet­ter,” the first thought that pops in their mind is “spam.” But if you say “com­mu­ni­ty,” this gives them the idea of a club.

You’ll not only receive email mar­ket­ing results but will fur­ther entice your social media followers.

2. Get Emails From Your Social Media Followers

Every social media user needs an email address to sign up.

Did you know you can get their email address­es by search­ing your social media fol­low­ers? And social media plat­forms make this easy. They offer a way to upload your social media fol­low­ers to your inbox.

This not only expands your email mar­ket­ing list but can help you cre­ate a per­son­able cam­paign to each of your subscribers.

3. Enable Social Sharing on Your Emails

Jeff Bul­las also tells us that less than 20% of cus­tomers share email mar­ket­ing mes­sages on their social media accounts.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Enabling your email newslet­ters for social shar­ing will help increase your audi­ence, open­ing up the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain more email subscribers.

What kind of email con­tent will attract social shares? Make sure it’s informational.

Inter­est­ing facts and even opin­ion con­tent on a spe­cif­ic niche will help engage your email subscribers.

4. Create a Facebook Group and Promote Your Email Newsletter

Are you try­ing to find a way to increase your brand’s trans­paren­cy while still improv­ing your social media mar­ket­ing? A Face­book group will help you com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers bet­ter while you can pro­mote your brand.

A Face­book group is also a great way to pro­mote your email newsletter.

Entice your fol­low­ers fur­ther with a mes­sage such as, “are you not receiv­ing noti­fi­ca­tions about our deals on this group? Sign up for our newslet­ter and our deals will be sent direct­ly to you!”

5. Integrate Your Platforms

What if you use sep­a­rate social media and email mar­ket­ing platforms?

You can sync them for best results. You can achieve this with a sys­tem such as PieSync.

Combine Your Social Media and Email Marketing Efforts Today

Social media and email mar­ket­ing are inte­gral mar­ket­ing strate­gies. To stream­line both process­es, sync them for best results.

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