Rosy Strategies

5 Quick Digital Marketing Tips to End 2019 Strong

5 Quick Digital Marketing Tips to End 2019 Strong

As we offi­cial­ly close the book on sum­mer, let’s plan to fin­ish the rest of the year with gus­to! Social media and dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing can have a bit of a lull in the sum­mer months while every­one is out vacationing.

That’s why now is the per­fect time to revamp your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. From Insta­gram influ­encers to max­i­miz­ing Face­book ad cam­paigns, read on to learn five dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tricks that can impact your plan for the rest of the year.

1. Should you place Instagram hashtags in the caption or the comments?

After ana­lyz­ing 650,000 brand posts on Insta­gram, SocialIn­sid­er found the major­i­ty of brands (87%) cur­rent­ly add hash­tags in their pho­to cap­tions. How­ev­er, that’s not the best tac­tic for every business.

As is the case with most social media mar­ket­ing, the more spe­cif­ic you are, the bet­ter your results will be. The best place to post your hash­tags depends on how many fol­low­ers you have.

Best place to add hash­tags on Insta­gram (by fol­low­er count) to max­i­mize engage­ment, reach and impressions:

How to hide your hash­tags on Insta­gram: Add a few line breaks before enter­ing your hash­tags so that users have to tap “more” to see them.

2. You’re probably targeting the wrong brand influencers on Instagram.

While many brands want to tar­get Insta­gram influ­encers with the largest reach, indi­vid­u­als with more than 10,000 fol­low­ers actu­al­ly have the low­est engage­ment rate. Sur­pris­ing­ly, influ­encers who have between 1,000 and 5,000 fol­low­ers have the best engage­ment rates, found Influ­encerDB data.

3. Know which audience your digital ads will resonate with most.

Mil­len­ni­als are the gen­er­a­tion most like­ly to pur­chase after see­ing an adver­tise­ment on social media, fol­lowed by Gen­er­a­tion X. Baby boomers were the least like­ly to buy, accord­ing to new data from The Manifest.

Addi­tion­al­ly, peo­ple were more like­ly to buy from a brand they fol­lowed on Face­book than the top sev­en oth­er pop­u­lar social plat­forms combined.

4. Maximize ad campaigns by utilizing traditional and digital channels.

A new Face­book case study found that com­bin­ing Face­book and out-of-home adver­tis­ing (OOH) pro­duced the best impact. When both chan­nels were used, the impact was 13% more effi­cient than expected.

Also, Face­book was best at reach­ing more new buy­ers while OOH ads were bet­ter at reach­ing exist­ing buyers.

5. Is your brand using the most popular form of digital interaction?

In emerg­ing mar­kets, the lat­est Pew Research found that text mes­sag­ing is far more com­mon than social media. Across var­i­ous coun­tries, a medi­an of 82% of mobile phone users sent text mes­sages, while only 38% shared their thoughts on social media.

That trend appears to be true in West­ern mar­keters as well. Since 2016, there are more users on the four largest mes­sag­ing apps than the num­ber of users on the big four social net­works, accord­ing to Busi­ness Insid­er research.



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