Rosy Strategies

4 Tips for a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

4 Tips for a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

Devel­op­ing a strong con­tent mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy takes a bit of clever think­ing and tap­ping into your con­sumers’ deep­est wish­es and dai­ly habits. Think of it like craft­ing your most delec­table (and want-to-repeat-able) recipe, then kick­ing into gear and cre­at­ing it to share with the peo­ple you love the most. Or, in the case of busi­ness, with con­sumers you’ve come to appre­ci­ate their loy­al­ty to your brand through­out the years.

A few tips, reminders and basic guide­lines can help frame your con­tent mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy so that if ever you feel you’ve gone awry or you fear you might lose con­sumer inter­est, you can get back on track and exe­cute to perfection. 

Let’s take a look at the 4  Content Marketing Tips:

Understand the Sales Funnel

Assum­ing you are famil­iar with the con­sumer pur­chas­ing fun­nel that begins with brand aware­ness and ends with brand advo­ca­cy, con­tent mar­ket­ing has a sales fun­nel to match. 

Along the pur­chase fun­nel, con­sumers are coaxed through the ini­tial stages of get­ting to know a brand, under­stand­ing its prod­ucts or ser­vices, pur­chas­ing said prod­ucts or ser­vices and becom­ing impressed by the brand’s per­son­al­i­ty and deliv­ery that the rela­tion­ship does not end at trans­ac­tion; the con­sumers extends invest­ment beyond pur­chase and goes on to cham­pi­on for your busi­ness to friends, fam­i­ly, peers and col­leagues. If you’re lucky, they might have a plat­form of hun­dreds of thou­sands of social media fol­low­ers with which to share their rave reviews about your brand. 

Con­tent mar­ket­ing focus­es on con­sumer out­reach, cus­tomer con­ver­sion (where are you con­vert­ing blog posts into CTAs?), mak­ing sales and retain­ing cus­tomers. It is impor­tant to align the sales fun­nel of con­tent mar­ket­ing and sales to get the most cross-over and con­ver­sion possible. 

Let analytics guide your strategy

You are a cre­ative genius, no doubt. But busi­ness is busi­ness, and so you must be will­ing to set your artis­tic ego aside in favor of num­bers. Look at the data month­ly, quar­ter­ly or on a cam­paign-basis to under­stand exact­ly to which types of media con­sumers respond. 

Where you find laps­es in pro­jec­tions and results, refine your strat­e­gy. Rethink the con­tent you shared. Dig deep­er into con­sumers insights, behav­ior and habits to get the round­est under­stand­ing of what it is your con­sumers are look­ing for. If tri­al and error isn’t work­ing, ask your con­sumers what they want to see more of, and adjust accordingly.

Stick to your plan until it’s time to refine your plan

When you set the course for your con­tent mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, you might see engage­ment peak right away, or num­bers might not jump at all. Stick with it. Fol­low your cal­en­dar for post­ings, events and sub­jects and remain con­sis­tent in your efforts until the data clear­ly shows you’ve gone strate­gi­cal­ly awry. If this hap­pens, no big­gie. Get your team back togeth­er, re-eval­u­ate the data and adjust your ini­tial plan. 

Repurpose old content 

Feel like you are run­ning out of things to say or share? Try shar­ing things you’ve already said in anoth­er way. Did you write a long-form post about stay­ing healthy? Great, now make it into an info­graph­ic assign­ing brief, short-form con­tent blurbs to pho­tos of sup­ple­ments, food groups or what­ev­er you fea­tured in the orig­i­nal piece. Either you reit­er­ate the mes­sage to exist­ing read­ers or you reach oth­er con­sumers in your audi­ence who can­not be both­ered to read long content. 

Con­tent mar­ket­ing is fun! If you start to over­think it, pause. Remind your­self to think about the data deeply, then to be light, airy, and per­fect­ly cheer­ful in your plan exe­cu­tion so that you can com­mu­ni­cate the best parts of your per­son­al­i­ty to read­ers and viewers. 

Reach out to Rosy Strate­gies to learn more about the best of con­tent mar­ket­ing strate­gies and get start­ed on refin­ing yours, today. 

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