Rosy Strategies

LinkedIn Releases 2019 Global Talent Trends Report


LinkedIn released the 2019 Glob­al Tal­ent Trends report, an annu­al sur­vey of hir­ing pro­fes­sion­als which helps to inform how HR, tal­ent acqui­si­tion and busi­ness lead­ers should approach their recruit­ing strate­gies for the com­ing year.

This year’s report focus­es on the tran­si­tion of the employ­er-employ­ee pow­er dynam­ic, giv­ing way to a more trans­par­ent, trust­ing and rec­i­p­ro­cal rela­tion­ship through four new trends: soft skills, work flex­i­bil­i­ty, anti-harass­ment prac­tices, and pay transparency.

Here’s what we found:

With employ­ers being held to a high­er stan­dard and employ­ees hav­ing access to more infor­ma­tion into both the pos­i­tives and the neg­a­tives of com­pa­nies, more two-way con­ver­sa­tions are being embraced—not just because it looks good, but because it’s good for busi­ness. You can read more about the find­ings here.


Method­ol­o­gy: Sur­vey respon­dents are LinkedIn mem­bers who were select­ed based on infor­ma­tion in their LinkedIn pro­file and con­tact­ed via email between Sep­tem­ber 18th and Octo­ber 10th 2018. Behav­ioral insights for this report were gen­er­at­ed from the bil­lions of data points cre­at­ed by more than 590 mil­lion mem­bers in over 200 coun­tries on LinkedIn today. This analy­sis was per­formed dur­ing Octo­ber 2018.


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